Lace Wrist Band


Bow Ribbon
Little Grocery for Gothic & Lolita Love
Welcome to Eliseheart, this blog is specially dedicate for my hand made item logs, as well as a mini online store selling handmade gosurori(Gothic Lolita)accessories and and some bjds-related (ball jointed dolls). So you can read and BUY if you are interested in any things you SEE here ^^ It's okay even if you're not going to buy anything, but it would be great if you can drop me a comment or message about my handmade stuff i posted in this blog. Thank you~!
How to order
if you're interested on any of these item here, please email me at eliseheart(at)gmail.com to inquire about it or you can drop a comment on the item you want and I will try to reply you soon ^^
accept any kind of PAYPAL or CASH sent in registered/courier mail (note: we do not responsible for any loss during the post) or bank transfer (Maybank) if you're from Malaysia too ^^
Shipping & Handling
Shipping and Handling costs is not included in the listed price here.
All items will be shipped in registered mail/parcel from Sabah, Malaysia.
Any inquiries, feel free to e-mail me at eliseheart(at)gmail.com ^^ *bows*thanks for your patronage to my little online grocery ^^
hey!i love the bow ribbon.
how much does it cost? :)
hi fary
>ribbon bow is RM40 includes shipping to anywhere within Malaysia.
Thank you =)
U have so lovely blog!
I like this pink Lolita stuff... so pretty :*
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